Terms of Use

From Elektronisches Studio
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The electronic studio of TU Berlin is dedicated to the production and performance of electroacoustic music and sound art, its research, documentation and mediation.

Within its own limitations the electronic studio may also be used for artistic and scientific projects. Its usage has to be arranged and is only allowed after prior introduction. There is no right to the usage of the electronic studio. Appointments have to be made individually and in time by mailing a request to: studio@ak.tu-berlin.de.

For non-commercial projects the studio usage is free. In any case, we expect the following after finishing your work:

  • Cession of work and documentation for the studio archive (used in research and teaching). This includes score, pass, code, etc., its documentation and recording (of first release), copy of program (of first release) and further documentation in other media. Please use the folder User on the separate partition Daten on the workstation computers for this! Create a folder with your full name and underneath a folder with the name of your project, such as /Volumes/Daten/User/Your Name/Your Project/.
  • The mentioning of Studio für Elektronische Musik der TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Audiokommunikation/ Studio for Electronic Music of TU Berlin, Audio communication group alongside all performances and releases.

The following are general guidelines that apply to all users of the Electronic Studio:

  • The user is obligated to treat hard- and software and all facilities of the Electronic Studio well.
  • The user is liable for all loss or breakage caused and bound to immediately report such loss or breakage!
  • The usage of the Electronic Studio is non public. Further participants are only allowed after prior notification to the Electronic Studio staff.
  • Video and image material is subject to approval by the Electronic Studio. Their further usage has to be stipulated.
  • The user is obligated to revert all changes to the studio setup after finishing the own session. This applies to all hard- and software!
  • Food and drinks are not allowed!
  • Please don't leave any trash behind!

By using the Electronic Studio of TU Berlin, the user inherently acknowledges all above rules. Failure to comply may lead to exclusion from studio access.